Feb 24, 2008

Overnight Survivor! - The Concept

The story begins with a man who works for IT Company. (Maybe it could be one of tiny game developer) There were 12 employees, but the company didn't get thier profit from own solution, so 7 members resigned. Anyway, the last 2 of 5 had a cold, because of the heating system failure of office.

Our hero worked at the company about 1 year, but the boss didn't paid his salary 3 months, because there is no money!

So he decided to quit the company, but, at the time, the boss brings a news for the three survivors.

"Now, we have to finish the great project in three days, then we can get the money for salary and continue previous plan of our company!"

Finally, our hero, lead programmer and project manager(if there is something like management), has to finish the project with his team. The 23-year-old retarded newbie coder, 21-year-old designer who always calling someone like her boyfriends... Damn!!

And he is YOU.

There are only 72 hours.

You have no time.

You are tired.

You are hungry.

So, can you survive?


One of our member, Timur Izhbulatov, has made the main theme music of our game. I'll uploaded it when I finish the final concept and its banner.

Feb 17, 2008

Overnight Survivor!

Hey, guys! I decided to make a game for StoryBerry. This game will be the first game which is the multilingual game with StoryBerry platform.

The StoryBerry is still Korean, but I'll make English version soon. (Don't worry, I have nothing to do with translation. I know my English skill sucks! =p)

If you interested in this game, "Overnight Survivor!", just send a E-mail, or Comment here! And let's make it cool! =)

A concept art. It's a copy from this.

Feb 11, 2008

The Interview of James Rolfe, The Creater of Angry Video Game Nerd, from Pig-Min!


The most famous Korean indie game webzine MEETS the most famous game nerd!

Please enjoy it =)